The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is believed to have said, “The only constant in life is change.” This idea certainly holds true within the agriculture industry.

From the reaper to the self-propelled combine to GPS in tractors to variable rate technology to drones in the sky, agriculture has transformed at an unbelievable pace over the last 100 years. It has evolved into one of the world’s most high-tech industries thanks to innovations such as precision agriculture, which helps growers maximize their profitability while improving agricultural production and sustainability.

This evolution of innovation has greatly increased awareness of the importance of new technology in agriculture, and it’s big business. Coherent Market Insights reports the global agriculture and farm machinery market is estimated to reach a value of more than $342 billion by the end of 2027. Many established and start-up precision agriculture companies are all looking to gain market share with their new technological advancements. The winners will be the ones with the best technology, as well as the strongest brand and clearest story to differentiate from the competition.

A critical component to successfully gaining adoption of a given brand’s technology is to simplify what may be perceived as complex. Brands must clearly convince the grower that a change is worth it, and sales reps must be able to sell it. Key questions that must be answered include: what are the benefits of adoption? Why is this system better? How does it work? Will it work seamlessly with their operation? What’s the ROI? Who do I call if it breaks?

Just as technology and equipment have evolved, growers have had to adapt and add tech literacy to their skill sets. They also have lots of questions. Adding to the brand and communications challenge is the fact the rate of technology adoption and eagerness will vary from grower to grower. So, marketers need to prioritize their target audiences and develop a communications approach that will best attract and serve the most likely customers and prospects. It’s important to remember one size does not fit all.

New Tech Still Requires Essential Communications

    • Explain your brand’s value proposition
    • Increase awareness of the technology’s role and importance in helping the grower realize the potential of precision agriculture to grow more food using fewer resources
    • Share details about gains in efficiency and a reduction in human error to help your brand differentiate
    • Explain your approach to data privacy to help garner trust
    • Show how your brand’s technology integrates with others to help increase acceptance and convert your prospect
    • Create some excitement with compelling images and multi-media
    • Make it easy to understand with infographics

While growers will be your main target audience, the general public has a vested interest in agriculture too. As a consumer of the food produced, the public should be aware of the advances in precision agriculture to be reassured their food is produced efficiently and sustainably. If you can tie the new technology’s benefit all the way to the end consumer, you will have something powerful. This reassurance could boost the acceptance among growers and the public of rapidly advancing technologies and tools, which will help to advance your bottom line.



Influencers, UGC, and Journalism – but Make It AI-Generated

August 16, 2024